I need to find a make-up artist.. I want the make-up to be simple and elegant but so far looking through several portfolio, I couldn't find one that suite my taste. If you guys happen to read this and have any suggestion, please do tell me as soon as possible! I have 3 more weeks and yet still very fussy about this.. If any make-up artist happen to read this also. please feel free to leave your message on comment box... And my budget range is not more than RM250..
Not too thick eye liner, and not too heavy blusher.. like this.. |
Please help me.. Many thanks..
kene orang yang mekap artis jugak ke??? hehe
anyway, just drop by to say, hope everything baik baik sahaja di sana!!!
jaga kesihatan, mental dan fizikal. my pray is always with you!
wei.. ko tgk bajet RM250... haruslah bukan org yang mekapkan artist.. make-up artist adlh jurusolek lerr..
iye i need ur do'a.. thanks peep...
Hi dear, i happened to stumble upon ur blog while searching for wedding at dewan umno. Apparently we have many things in common. My wedding pun dekat sana jgk November nanti, n i pun arrange wedding yg simple2 mcm u jugak. I tumpang tengok peta u untuk rujukan,ya.. Hope u won't mind.. Hihi.. Btw, u dah ada make up artist ke? Sebab bila baca this entry n as it happen that i do read this, i'd like to help kalau belum terlambat. Here's a link to my friend's engagement pic.. Makeup tu i rasa cantik n my friend kata around 150 cmtu kot.. Here's the link.. The makeup artist's name is iedawati- 0192170197.. Hope this help. Have a great wedding day! (^^)v
Hi Ema,(just guessing your name is Ema)
Thanx.. It really helps.. I do have one on mind but your suggestion can help me to widen my horizon. Peta tu amekla buat rujukan. I dulu pun bukan main merangkak nak cari peta tempat tu. hihi..Tapi u tambahlah cket lagi traffic light along Jalan Peel tu. Nanti I update psl dewan tu ye. U boleh tgk view dalam dia jugak utk plan your interior deco.. =)
Hi dear,i just read this now,been busy being maid of honor last week. hehe.. btw,i'm glad i could do the least to help u.. about peta tu,thanks a bunch tau! can't wait to see ur wedding photos later. hope everything goes well for ur akad & reception..
p.s: u can call me ema, btw. ;)
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