Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Dream Veil Contest.. Thanks Puan Fainie..

Click here to join the contest, I'm serious!

This is a contest yang diketahui melalui Puan-to-be Rina.. Thanks Rina sebab tag saye.. =)
Memandangkan saya masih tercari-cari veil untuk majlis nikah nanti, maka saya dengan gembira dan riang nak menyertai contest ini.  
Untuk kawan-kawan soon going to be brides, sila la sertai contest ini. As simple as sharing your admire veil pic and write a word of simple but meaningful caption of the veil. I'm so going to tag my dear Aisya

This is my favorite veil. In fact, it looks so captivating when Hunny Madu wore it back in 2010 if I'm not mistaken. 

**update 25th Feb** Lisa Surihani nikah's veil pon macam ni kan??? I adore this veil a lot......!!! =)